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Cleeve Common

Site of Special Scientific Interest


Cleeve Common is the largest common in the Cotswolds National Landscape. It is also the highest point on the Cotswolds at 330m. The Common is a conservation area and Site of Special Scientific Interest for its geology, habitats and botany and it contains a wealth of archaeological interest, including three Scheduled Monuments. It is looked after by Cleeve Common Trust, a small charity with the vision that:

“In 100 years’ time, Cleeve Common will offer visitors the same sense of space, tranquility and diversity of plant and wildlife as it does today.”


Our website holds a wealth of information about who we are, what we do, events, activities, things to see, ecology, conservation, education and much more. We have quick links below to some of our most popular pages.


Sheep Status

Sheep are now off Cleeve Common

Sheep and lambs are now off Cleeve Common. They are still on neighbouring land so please keep dogs under close control when near pour boundaries and on leads around our cattle.

If you are visiting with a dog, please make sure to pick up after them and dispose of poo in bins around the Common and in car park areas. Thank you.




Ways to Support Us

It takes a lot of time and money to carry out the work that makes Cleeve Common a wonderful place for visitors today. Find out how you can help conserve this increasingly rare and important habitat for future generations. 

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